Instruction to Authors
First Author1
and Second Author2
1Texas A&M University, Neural Modeling Society
College Station, TX 77843-3116
2Research Center, Clark Atlanta University,
Atlanta, GA 30314
The following paper is intended to set out style guidelines for the Camera Ready Copies of papers for the ISDA'02 proceedings.
1. Introduction
ISDA'02 authors are requested to submit, before April 30, 2002 the camera ready version of the paper (not exceeding 6 pages) in accordance with the reviewers comments. Please note that each additional page costs US$50.00 per page. Please type each paper single spaced on one side of 8.5x11 size paper with one inch margin on all sides and mail to:
M. Sambandham,
ICNPSC2, Department of Mathematics,
Morehouse College,
Atlanta, GA 30314,
Authors also have to submit a signed copy right form along with each manuscript. ISDA'02 proceedings will be reproduced from the camera-ready copy of author's manuscript. The manuscript should be typed in one column on white sheets of paper with dark, sharp and clear letter quality type and must remain legible. The title of the manuscript should be typed in bold size of the same font type. Do not type page numbers. Use pencil to write page numbers on top right corners.
2. Sections and Subsections
2.1. Sections
Titles of all principal Sections, Acknowledgement and References should be typed
bold in the same font as the manuscript. References should be indexed
1,2, shown below. Proportional serif fonts such as Times
New Roman are preferred for
printing and for on-line viewing of papers. Times
New Roman is recommended in this guide for this very purpose.
Table 1. Type sizes for Camera Ready Papers
Type size (pts.) | Regular | Bold |
12 | Section titles , reference title, abstract title | |
10 | tables | table names |
10 | Authors’ affiliations, abstract content, main text, equations | |
12 | Author names | |
16 | Paper title |
2.1.1 Subsections
Title of subsections should be typed bold left edge adjusted with the same font as the
3. Text
Paragraphs should have 0.3 inch indent. First paragraph in a section/subsection or after expression or Figure should be typed without indent. Type all equations. Enumerate in Arabic numerals in parenthesis flush with margin. Number display equations consecutively.
All acknowledgements for technical and financial support should go in the special section, which follows the text but precedes the references.
4. Preparation and Camera Ready Illustrations
Proper figure (Black & White only) preparation is essential for optimum reproduction of line drawing and photograph. Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be numbered.
1. Hebb, D. O. (1949). Organization of behavior. New York: Wiley.
2. Rubner, J., & Schulten, K., (1990). Development of feature detectors by self-organization. Biological Cybernetics, v.62, pp. 193-199.
3. Ackley, D. H, Hilton, G. E., & Sejnovski, T. J. (1985). A learning algorithm for Bolzmann machine Cognitive Science, v. 19. pp. 147-169.