Atlanta, USA, 07-08  August, 2002


ISDA'02 Registration Form








**  By paying the registration fee, authors could participate in ISDA'02 as well as attend all

the sessions and  talks of the Second International Conference on Neural, Parallel and
Scientific Computations (NPSC'02) **


Registration:                                                                                                                Amount

On or before April 30, 2002 - US $175.00, (Students: US $100.00) 


After May 1, 2002 -  US $200.00, (Students: US $125.00) 


Additional Guest Banquet Tickets :$ 30.00 X ____  


Additional paper charges for authors with multiple papers (US$100/paper)


Dormitory: AUGUST 7th - 10th, 2002  $100.00/person


Total enclosed:


(*US funds only, Bank draft/US personal checks/International Money Orders: Make checks payable to 

International Conference - Morehouse College)

I plan to stay in:

[     ]  Morehouse dormitory;   [     ] listed hotels;  [     ] on my own;

[     ]  I shall make my own reservation

[     ]  I request the organizing committee to make reservation for me

Hotel Name:_______________________________ From___________ to___________

[    ]  I plan to check-in before 6PM

[    ]  I may come after 6PM. Confirm my reservation by credit card

[    ]  Card name: VISA/MC/AMEX

Card number:_________ ________ Expiry Date:_______Signature______________ 

[    ]  I have enclosed US$50.00 to confirm my reservation

[    ] Banquet Aug 08, 2002 6:30 PM : I will Attend / will not Attend (Circle one)



Return To:

Attn: Professor M. Sambandham
ICNPSC2, Department of Mathematics
Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA 30314, USA.

Ph: (404) 215-2614,   FAX: (404) 589-1661