I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy -- Rabindranath Tagore

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty -- Albert Einstein

Prof. Dr. Ajith

I have more than 33+ years of professional experience in the Academia and Industry. I believe that academic success is all about having a strong influence on the community and uplifting the needy while striving for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge. It is not just about personal achievements but how we are able to make a positive difference to the world. I am all devoted to developing and improving scholarly competence while holding the highest ethical standards, integrity, accountability and responsibility. I am a strong proponent of equality of opportunity in good quality education regardless of social background, race, gender or religion and where people achieve success according to their efforts and ability, free of any form of discrimination. Information provided below is just to inspire and motivate the young researchers. I received Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (2001), Master of Science Degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (1998) and Bachelor of Technology (Honours) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Calicut, India (1990).

I am the Founding Director (since 2008) of Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), a Not-for-Profit Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence connecting Industry and Academia. The network has currently more than 1,000+ scientific members from over 100+ countries.
The ongoing Industrial revolution is changing our lives in ways never imagined before with huge changes in the economy and a whole new level of global inter connected markets. Rapid extraordinary advances in computational processing power, Internet connectivity, Internet of things, cyber physical systems and machine intelligence makes it a challenging task even for the most experienced experts to anticipate the future in the field. Artificial Intelligence is a multi- disciplinary research field with immense applications in manufacturing, agriculture, e-commerce, complex data analysis, homeland security etc. My primary research is on developing machine intelligence using hybridization of function approximation methods, approximate reasoning and global optimization methods focused on big data analytics, understanding complex networks, information security, Web intelligence, decision support systems, Internet of things etc.

As an Investigator / Co-Investigator, my research team has won research grants worth over 100+Million US$ from USA, European Union, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Malaysia, China and Australia. In these areas I have authored / co-authored more than 1,300+ research publications out of which there are 100+ books covering various aspects of Computer Science. One of my books was translated to Japanese and few other articles were translated to Russian and Chinese. About 1,200+ publications are indexed by Scopus and over 900+ are indexed by Thomson Web of Science. My 1,200+ co-authors originate from 65+ countries. I had the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from top Universities like MIT, USA, University of Cambridge, UK, Harvard University, USA and Oxford University, UK. Table below illustrates the citation matrices as per Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science.

Table 1: Citation matrices
As of June 22, 2023 Google Scholar
Web of Science
No of Citations
Average no of Citations / year

Figure 1: Research keywords-cloud

I have immense teaching experience dealing with a wide variety of artificial intelligence courses, data mining, e-commerce and core courses in computer science for undergraduate and graduate classes. Under my academic supervision, 14 students received Ph.D. degrees and have also supervised 6 masters thesis. Besides, I am also experienced in developing new courses. I have examined over 100+ Ph.D. theses and is a regular examiner of several Universities around the globe. I am / was officially associated with the following Universities:







I have given more than 150+ plenary / keynote lectures and conference tutorials (in 20+ countries). Won Nine best paper awards at prestigious International conferences held in Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Bahrain and India. I was the Co- Chair of the IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Soft Computing during 2008-2021. This Technical committee also won the best Technical Committee award of the IEEE SMC Society in 2008 and 2017. I have also served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Computer Society representing Europe (2011-2013). I also served as the Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence  2016-2021) and also serve/served the editorial board of over 15 International Journals indexed by Thomson ISI. Since 2001, as a General Chair / Program Chair, I have organized several International Conferences and some of them are now annual events.

- 23 years of Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS): Portugal, India, Morocco, South Korea, Kuwait, Tunisia, Malaysia, USA, China, Spain, Germany, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, Switzerland, Lithuania, Australia and Chile
- 23 years of Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA):  India, Portugal, Morocco, Japan,  Malaysia, Spain, Egypt, Italy, Taiwan, Brazil, China, Poland,
Switzerland, Lithuania, Hungary and USA
- 19 years of Information Assurance and Security (IAS):  India, Portugal, Morocco, France, Japan, Tunisia, Brazil, Malaysia, USA, China,
Switzerland, Lithuania, Italy and UK
- 15 years of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR): Portugal, Morocco, India, Japan, Tunisia,  Vietnam, Brunie, China,
Switzerland, Lithuania, France and Malaysia
- 9 years of Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP): Brazil, Spain, India, Czech Republic and South Korea
- 8 years of Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN): India, South Africa, Portugal, USA, Brazil, Spain, China and  France
- 12 years of Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC): India, Morocco, South Africa, Portugal, USA, Mexico, 
Switzerland, Lithuania, Spain and Japan
- 14 years of Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA): India, Portugal, Morocco, France, Czech Republic,
Switzerland, Lithuania, Taiwan and China
- 13 years of Information and Communication Technologies (WICT):  India, Portugal, Morocco,
Switzerland, Lithuania, Japan and Vietnam
- 7 years European Conference on Data Mining (ECDM): Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Netherlands
- 8 years of Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence (BIGDaCI): Portugal and Spain

During my 3rd year under-graduate engineering studies, I got a campus selection job in the Industry. Further, I was selected by the Economic Development Board, Singapore in 1994. This helped me to get an early exposure in the top notch Engineering Industries as a research and development engineer (in India, South Korea and Singapore) for nearly 7+ years. Since 2001, I am a naturalized Australian citizen. I had been to over 100+ countries. Traveling has exposed me to new environments, which many a times require a test of character, the ability to respond in any given situation and is very fulfilling and educational. My passion for traveling has made me a naturally curious being, more humble, modest and formulate a simple perception about human life. I am always fascinated to know about different cultures, food habits, arts etc. Thank you for passing by and hoping to provide more live updates in the future! God bless, please take care and stay safe !