Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining
Foreword (PDF) by James Kennedy, USA
Preface (PDF)
Table of Contents (PDF)
Volume 2: Stigmergic Optimization
Preface (PDF)
Table of Contents (PDF)
Please note that the page numbers listed in the table of contents may vary slightly due to some final adjustment by the publisher.
Dear Colleagues,
First of all many thanks
for your contributions and making this edited volume a real success! We have
received 35 chapters for the proposed edited volume
focused on 'Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining'. Since more than 50% of the
chapters were related to optimization related themes, we have decided to
divide the contributions into the following two volumes:
-- Swarm
Intelligence and Data Mining
-- Stigmergic Optimization
All authors have been notified. If you are yet to receive our notification email, please let us know immediately. A list of all accepted chapters are displayed below. Authors of accepted chapters are expected to submit the camera ready manuscripts in accordance with the reviewer comments by
January 14, 2006.Thank you for your cooperation
Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan and Vitorino Ramos
Editors of the Book Volumes
List of Accepted Book Chapters
Volume 1: Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining
Foreword by Dr. James Kennedy
Introduction to Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining
AntMiner+: A max-min ant system building rule-based classifier
Performing feature selection with ACO
Simultaneous ant colony optimization algorithms for learning linguistic fuzzy rules
Ant colony clustering and feature extraction for anomaly intrusion detection
Data and text mining with hierarchical clustering ants
Clustering ensemble using ANT and ART
Swarm clustering based on flowers pollination by artificial bees
Computer study of the evolution of 'news foragers' on the Internet
Data swarm clustering
Particle Swarm Optimization for Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing
Volume 2: Stigmergic Optimization
Stigmergic Optimization: Foundations, perspectives and applications
Stigmergic autonomous navigation in collective robotics
A general approach to swarm coordination using circle formation
Cooperative particle swarm optimizers: a powerful and promising approach
Parallel particle swarm optimization algorithms with adaptive simulated annealing
Termite: a swarm intelligent routing algorithm for mobile wireless ad-hoc networks
Linear multiobjective particle swarm optimization
Physically realistic self-assembly simulation system
Gliders and rders: A particle swarm selects for coherent space-time structures in evolving cellular automata
Stigmergic navigation for multi-agent teams in complex environments
Intelligence: Theoretical proof that empirical techniques are optimal
Stochastic diffusion search: Partial function
evaluation in swarm intelligence dynamic optimization
Call for Springer SCI Series Book Chapters
Swarm Intelligence and Data Mining
Swarm Intelligence (SI) indicates a recent computational and behavioral metaphor for solving distributed problems that originally took its inspiration from the biological examples provided by social insects (ants, termites, bees, wasps) and by swarming, flocking, herding behaviors in vertebrates. We seek to explore the applicability of these bio-inspired approaches to the development of self-organizing, evolving, adaptive and autonomous information technologies, which will meet the requirements of next-generation information systems, such as diversity, scalability, robustness, and resilience. This edited volume is targeted to present the latest state-of-the-art methodologies in data mining using SI techniques. Both theoretical papers (preferably including simulations) and application papers related to different data mining methodologies are welcome. |
INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: - New SI techniques for clustering, data analyzing, Classification, Sorting, Data Retrieval. - Particle Swarm / Cultural Algorithms. - Complex Adaptive Systems. - Artificial Life as well as other Animal Societies bio-inspired algorithms. - Flocks, Herds and Schools. - Swarms and Cooperative Robotics. - Distributed algorithms, self-regulation, self-repair and self-maintenance ontologies. - Biomedical, multimedia and e-commerce applications. - Hybridization with other methods (e.g. Evolutionary Computation and Neural Networks). |
The book will
published in the Springer Verlag SCI series 'Studies in
Computational Intelligence'.
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